Did you know that how you learn is just as important as what you learn?
it’s possible to develop some simple learning habits that will help you become a better learner. And work faster and smarter.
Yes, you read that right. Although there are some learners out there who seem to absorb new information like a sponge, that’s not the only way to succeed. “Some people are really fast learners and they can run to the finish line really fast,”
“Other people are more like hikers – they can get to the finish line, but it’s a lot slower. As they’re walking, they can really think about their experience. In some ways this is far richer and deeper.”
So, although it might feel frustrating when you don’t get new concepts right away, the process of carefully listening and taking the time to really get your head around a subject can mean that new knowledge really sticks.
Just like with quick learners, there are some clever clogs who can easily remember lots of facts. But, taking the time to fix new info in your brain can mean it’s more likely to stay in there for good.
If you have a bad memory, you just need to spend a little more time or develop techniques like songs or rhymes to make sure the information passes into your long-term memory.
“When information falls out of your brain, if you get distracted while learning, something else comes in,”
These individuals are often very creative.” So, the flipside of a poor memory can be creative thinking – an awesome skill that can work for you in plenty of other ways.
This is that always being right can lead to a poorer learning attitude. Know-it-alls can become less inquisitive and sometimes, less able to consider different perspectives and points of view.
“The problem with geniuses is they’re so used to learning quickly, always being right, that they jump to conclusions and don’t look carefully at what’s going on in the real situation,”
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